化学化工讲坛第一百二十六讲——Mobile Electronics as Universal Analytical Tools: from Colorimetric Imaging to App-based Quantitation

作者: 时间:2023-11-24 点击数:

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报告人:于化忠 教授

邀请人:韩冬雪 教授

主持人:韩冬雪 教授




于化忠博士,山东省德州市夏津县人。1991年毕业于济南山东大学化学系;1994年获得山东大学和中科院大连化学物理研究所联合培养硕士学位(光华奖学金)1997年在北京大学纳米化学中心取得博士学位(刘忠范院士,1999北京大学优秀博士论文世顺奖)1997年到1999年在加州理工学院(Caltech)从事博士后研究工作,导师为诺贝尔奖获得者激光化学家兹维尔教授(Ahmed Zewail)和电化学家安森教授(Fred Anson)。短暂工作于加拿大国家科学院和Acadia大学后,2001年受聘于西蒙弗雷泽大学(SFU)化学系,2009年破格晋升为终身教授。于化忠教授发表研究论文近200篇,刊登在包括自然通讯、美国化学会志和德国应用化学等核心期刊上;另有国家/国际专利20余项。先后获加拿大化学会Fred Beamish(2004)加拿大电化学会W. Lash Miller(2011)国际电化学学会Tajima(2012)以及加拿大化学会的W.A.E. McBryde奖章(2015)。自20201月,受邀担任英国皇家化学会分析化学旗舰杂志Analyst的副主编。


Current guidelines for healthcare emphasize rapid testing and reporting, which can be better satisfied by point-of-care (POC) diagnostic tools rather than centralized medical laboratories using automated multi-analyte analyzers by trained professionals. With POC testing, the turn-around time is significantly reduced, leading to earlier decision making and more efficient medical treatment. At present, POC protocols are predominantly based on rapid-test immunoassay strips/cassettes that combine gold nanoparticles for colorimetric (mostly qualitative) detection and flow-through systems for sample delivery. Mobile electronics (particularly smartphones) provides a promising alternative to today’s POC testing instrumentation; in this regard, we have recently explored the feasibility of using smartphones in combination with customized mobile apps as the detection platform for quantitative colorimetric analysis. Beyond biomedical applications, these POC analytical tools can be beneficial to on-site food safety, environmental monitoring, and inclusive chemical education.


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